Leadership culture in times of (digital) change - evolutionary training for decision makers
Leadership culture in times of (digital) change
Evolutionary training for decision makers
On the evolution of the understanding of leadership
Leadership 1.0 outlines a behavior limited to specifications, instructions and control that no longer satisfies current requirements.
Leadership 2.0: In the 1990s, globalization and IT force the first paradigm shift: employees are involved in decision-making processes in order to get a grip on increasing complexity and decentralization at the same time.
Leadership 3.0: Since around 2005, the struggle for the “Generation Y” has been joined by the necessary reduction in complexity; demographic development is creating an employee market. Well-trained young people refuse 24/7 madness, seek motivating challenges and pay attention to quality of life. Optimal managers are now inspiring creators of tasks, socially competent and at the same time strong decision makers. Leadership becomes a vocation and a passion.
Leadership 4.0: The most recent evolutionary stage is due to the insight that (digital) change is best shaped by mentally and organizationally flexible teams which members increasingly want to and are allowed to act on their own responsibility. Managers have to develop the employees entrusted to them in the best possible way according to their abilities and talents – only those who promote others systematically and successfully qualify for higher consecrations.
The latest approach: In order for managers to be able to concentrate fully on their development roles they are increasingly “disempowered”, i.e. freed from professional and disciplinary powers of instruction and decision-making, and integrated into teams. These teams operate in “holocratic” organizational structures.
Target group and framework
With this demanding in-house intensive training we address decision-makers who want to systematically establish a sustainable management culture in their area of responsibility and significantly expand their supportive management competence.
The training consists of 2 modules of 2.5 days each and a half-day workshop (see below). It serves both professional and personal development and is characterized by
- Interaction – acting instead of discussing
- the principles of the continuous improvement process
- concrete and important cases from the practical experience of the participants, and
- constant reference to the implementation and use of what has been developed in day-to-day work.
- concrete and important cases from the practical experience of the participants, and
- the principles of the continuous improvement process
The training is preceded by a half-day workshop with you, in which we work out effectively:
- present leadership understanding and behaviour (stocktaking)
- your requirements, needs and general conditions
- your main objective of leadership culture and its systematic implementation
- the measurable, scheduled and binding goals of the planned training
On this basis, we design the tailor-made contents of the training.
If desired, the 2nd training module can also be held in the Benedictine Abbey of Maria Laach (Eifel). Experience has shown that the very inspiring exchange with Benedictines is integrated into the training programme here.